Senin, 05 Desember 2011

helooooowwww,,,,its the favourite taste....

hi browmartkers,,,forgive me because for about a few day l never say hello to all of u....

Here it this l just reminds you all bout something bitting n so delicious,,,,what's that??????
It must be BROWMART,,,,,the Brownies in Martabak concept.

There's 2 kind two kind colour baked of browmart,,,brown and white.
Both of each colour baked using a best chocolate compound in white and dark, and pour it with others composition and of course that  a little secret which make a BROWMART always bitting and,,,,,,
trust me........ONE IS NOT ENOUGH,,,,

apa sich browmart???

Foto saya
Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Inovasi kuliner ringan tentang sesuatu yang baru,unik dan menarik. that's about BROWNIES yang di konsep, dimasak n dikemas ala MARTABAK,,,hmmmmmm Ga ngenyangin tapiiiii,,,,,bikin nagih rasanya....nyummmi